Aquatics Down Under Swim School

Thu, 31 Oct 2019

Superior water quality for swim coaches and students
Aquatics Down Under Swim School (Sydney, Australia)

"Waterco always delivers the upmost quality and reliability on their products,
making them any easy choice for a high-demand project like this swim school."

TradeMark Pools director, Mark Holland

  • Providing swim schools with healthy water and perfect pool temperatures
  • Glass pearl filter media produces outstanding water quality 
  • Reduce backwash time & frequency whilst saving water and chemical costs

Setting: Popular swim school on the outskirts of Sydney, Australia

Aquatics Down Under Swim School in New South Wales, Australia, is a popular facility owned and operated by Melissa and Neil Rickwood. Melissa is regarded as a leading aquatic educator who has conducted learn-to-swim courses internationally and presented at numerous industry conferences throughout Australia and New Zealand.

In 2018, Aquatics Down Under received the prestigious NSW and National Swim centre of the year award to acknowledge its passionate teachers, innovative programs and dedication to catering to students with special needs.









In 2018, Aquatics Down Under received the prestigious NSW and National Swim centre of the year award.

Challenge: Designing an aquatic environment that satisfies the community’s evolving needs

After the NSW state government’s planning authority approved a multi-million-dollar expansion of North Rocks Shopping Centre, it meant the existing swimming pool – which the Rickwoods had successfully managed for more than a decade – had to be re-built in a different location within the complex.

The previous 45-year-old pool had a capacity of 900 people during the peak swimming season whereas the new design needed to comfortably accommodate up to 1,500. The goal was to also create a community asset that enabled the Rickwoods to expand their aquatic services beyond learn-to-swim classes.

Solution: Pool products that withstand high bather loads and provide years of reliable service

When TradeMark Pools constructed the new pool for Aquatics Down Under, director Mark Holland chose a range of Waterco products to provide swimmers with healthy water and comfortable pool temperatures year-round.

“Waterco always delivers the upmost quality and reliability on their products, making them any easy choice for a high-demand project like this swim school,” he explains.







“Waterco always delivers the upmost quality and reliability on their products, making them any easy choice for a high-demand project like this swim school,” Mark Holland explains.

Glass Pearl filter media
Capable of filtering below 3 microns, Glass Pearl delivers outstanding water clarity – more than any other granular filter media on the market. Its spherical, smooth shape significantly reduces backwash time, providing valuable water and chemical savings.









Waterco’s Glass Pearls are chemically inert for superior purity. In fact, Glass Pearls have been independently lab tested for leaching contaminants and found to be well within Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

2 x MultiCyclone 70XL Centrifugal Filter
Waterco’s multi-award-winning product and the only centrifugal filter built for commercial installations. MultiCyclone 70XL pre-filters up to 80 per cent of the incoming dirt load prior to it reaching the main filter. This increases the filter media’s lifespan whilst reducing backwash frequency and water use.








MultiCyclone 70XL is a brilliant pre-filtration device that works on the basis of centrifugal water filtration and is designed with no moving parts and no filter media to clean or replace.

2 x Hydrostar high-performance pump 4HP
Purpose-built for commercial pools, aquatic facilities and aquatic parks, Waterco’s new Hydrostar pumps operate with lower noise levels and improved hydraulic efficiency. The pump body does not rust or corrode and is able to withstand damage from many types of water treatment chemicals. Waterco’s commercial thermoplastic pumps weigh less than their steel counterparts without any sacrifice in strength and durability.







The Hydrostar pump has been designed to provide a substantially quieter operation with even higher flow rates and higher head than previous models.

Electroheat PRO 96KW XLR 415V 50HP
Designed to heat up to 250,000 litres, Waterco’s Electroheat PRO is the latest advancement in commercial size swimming pool heating. It delivers efficient cost-effective pool heating in an easy-to-operate and install package.









The new generation cost effective Electroheat PRO heat pump is the latest advancement in commercial size swimming pool heating.


2 x Micron Side Mount Media Filter
Features ‘Fish tail’ hydraulically balanced laterals that improve its filtration and backwashing hydraulic efficiency. Once installed, there are virtually no maintenance or repairs are required.

“Waterco’s filtration and heating innovations are renowned for their durability and reliability, ensuring businesses like Aquatics Down Under Swim School continue to provide essential services to the community,” says Waterco Australia sales representative John Xagoraris.

Micron vertical commercial filters are equipped with “Fish tail” hydraulically balanced laterals, to improve its filtration and backwashing hydraulic efficiency.


Conclusion: Providing parents, swimmers and instructors with superior water quality

Covered with stunning Ezarri Glass Mosaic tiles and holding 166,000 litres of water, the 17.5m x 7m edge-to-edge pool is heated to 32 degrees whilst the air is temperature controlled to 24 degrees. This provides a comfortable environment for parents, swimmers and instructors year-round.

“A non-slip yellow line surrounds the pool similar to a train station platform,” Melissa explains. “The students must stay behind the line until invited to enter the water by their teacher. This is the first step in creating a safer water environment and encouraging parents to actively supervise.”

Download: aquatics-down-under-swim-school-sydney-australia-case-study.pdf



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